Identifying Digital Talent Needs

To support the increased demand for digital and Omnichannel campaigns, and improve how we engage with customers, we have outlined some of the key roles that are often necessary.

Setting up an Omnichannel Orchestration Team (OOT)

To enable true Omnichannel, teams need to operate with speed, be responsive and relevant in each customer interaction over the lifetime of the customer journey. One way to deliver that is through a strong team that adheres to agile principles of working. We call that an omnichannel orchestration team, or OOT for short.

Helpful Key Terms

Approach to marketing that utilizes the principles and practices of agile methodologies. This includes having self-organizing, cross-functional teams doing work in frequent iterations with continuous feedback. Agile marketing is different than traditional marketing in several ways i.e., focus on frequent releases, deliberate experimentation, unrelenting commitment to audience satisfaction.

Set of organizational and workflow patterns for implementing agile practices at an enterprise scale 

Cross-functional agile teams who are responsible for defining marketing strategy and executing test and learn campaigns

Framework aimed at improving marketing execution by helping the teams to work together. Scrum creates a culture of transparency, inspection, adaptation, and a laser-focus on a subset of the team’s high-priority work through the practice of timeboxing. Scrum consists of three main components: roles, artifacts, and ceremonies. 

Tools that an agile team and its stakeholders use to detail marketing planning and execution, activities to conduct it, and the actions performed during the sprint. Often also referred to as Agile Artifacts.

Sessions with defined lengths, frequencies and goals with the purpose of helping OOT’s plan, track and execute their work which aim to create a regular, predictable cadence for different types of communication within the agile marketing team and include: sprint planning, daily scrum (also known as daily standup), sprint review, sprint retrospective. 

Agile Marketing

Agile Ways of Working are about using a sprint-based approach to execute test and learn marketing campaigns and define work that needs to be done through a product backlog.

We want:

  • To timebox our project into chunks called sprints that will each help plan, build and run marketing campaigns
  • Work with the team to improvise and collaboratively fill any gaps and mitigate barriers


Download full guide to agile ways of working